League of Women Voters ramping up registration efforts


As Michigan gears up for November’s presidential election, the Michigan League of Women Voters is ramping up efforts to increase engagement.

The nonpartisan group has launched a series of voter drives across the state.

Paula Bowman helps lead the League in Michigan. She says when it’s a presidential election year, public interest in voting typically increases. Because of that, her organization has received invitations to set up registration drives from a wide variety of community groups.

“Even had an invitation from a Little League football team who wanted us to come out to their park and register parents and onlookers, community colleges, regular universities, high schools, and all sorts of places,” Bowman said.

Bowman says the League of Women Voters has also teamed up with companies, both locally and nationally, to get people registered to vote. Partners include LUSH Cosmetics and United Parcel Service.